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By Charlie Machek

Owner of Swift Creek Reservoir Guide Service


    The up and down crazy weather of March should be behind us, and the Spring colors are here!  With the dogwoods in full bloom, the largemouth bass of our beautiful lake are getting into their spawning mode.  What this means to all of the fishermen is that it is time to target the shallows.  All of the many coves, pockets, and flats of the lake should have bass creating beds, and pairing up to make the next generation of big bass.  Any type of cover that you can find in these shallow areas, such as twigs, stick ups, grass, and the best cover of all… the “bad word,” hydrilla will increase your chances.  If the Hydrilla starts to grow this month, it will clear up the water, and you may be able to see the fish creating their spawning nests.  Catching these fish will not harm them, or affect their ability to spawn, as long as they are handled properly and are released after a quick photo.  Catch and release, and proper handling of the fish is extremely important all spring because the fish have worked hard while spawning.  Try to keep the fish off of boat carpet, seats, and dirt, get a good picture, and let them go as quickly as possible. Soft plastic lures (Texas rigged, and weightless) and jigs are the best lures for targeting spawning fish.  

    Not all of the bass in the lake will spawn at the same time, and it typically lasts through May.  For the fish that remain in the pre-spawn pattern, target the deeper water adjacent to the spawning areas.  A wide range of lures can be used to target the pre-spawners including spinnerbaits, shallow crankbaits, swimbaits, as well as your favorite Texas rigged soft plastics.  April is still a great month to catch a true giant bass.  The saying, “big baits, big fish,” always rings true.  Big jigs, and big swimbaits fished very slowly would be my choice.  Think 6”-7” bluegill or shad imitators, and you are on the right track. With trophy fishing, you might only get 1 bite all day, but that is sometimes what it takes to get that giant bass. 

   The Crappie will be showing up the shallow coves, and creeks as well.  Keep moving until you find a school of them, then slow down, and pick them apart.  Small 2” crappie jigs, or small minnows are my favorite baits.  A small road runner style bait will work as well.  The bluegills and shell crackers will be around too.  Live earthworms and crickets can’t be beat, put them under a bobber, and have fun.  Take a kid fishing, practice catch and release, and I’ll see you out on the water!

If you have questions feel free to contact me by email, or social media - social media: @SwiftCreekReservoirGuideService and @MachekFishing 


                                                                              Catches from the month of March

       Chase with a 7 lb pre-spawn fat bass                     Bryan's 5 lb beast                                                            Rich with one of two 5 lb twins                     The guide getting in on the action

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